
支持学生毕业后的抱负, 职业联系中心为本科生提供了一套资源. 我们的资源是用来帮助你的学生的 探索,准备,积累经验 所以他们为亚洲体育博彩平台之后的下一步做好了充分的准备.

The 职业联系中心 is located on the first floor of the Shaich  家庭 校友 and Student Engagement Center and is part of the 学生成功科. 我们与雇主密切合作, 校友, 以及合作伙伴,将他们与我们的全日制学生联系起来, 兼职, 以及暑期实习机会.

作为家庭成员, you play an important role in the life of your college student and the choices and decisions they make about their future.  We hope you will explore what we have to offer students and encourage your student to seek us out. The 职业联系中心 is here to support all undergraduate students in all stages of the process.

Listed below are helpful links to information to address questions or concerns you likely have.

职业联系中心通过多种方式与学生沟通, 包括我们办公室发来的强调即将到来的截止日期的邮件, 项目, 和机会. 请鼓励你的学生阅读这些信息. 如果你有兴趣和职业联系中心保持联系, 你可以在Facebook上关注我们@CONNECTclark, 和/或Instagram @clark_connect.



Your son or daughter just left for (or returned to) college but doesn’t seem to have a clue as to what he or she wants to major in, 更不用说选择职业了. 别担心, 这并不罕见, 虽然你可能希望你的孩子能多一点方向感.

Choosing a career is a process students need to go through — and they go through the stages of this process at different rates of speed. 步骤包括:

  • 评估技能, 利益, 能力(选择合适职业的重要第一步).
  • 探索专业和职业选择.
  • 尝试各种可能的职业选择.
  • 组织和指导找工作或研究生院.

你可以在每一个阶段帮助和支持你的孩子. 但是你能——或者应该——做什么呢?


在他们大学的第一年左右, 学生将参与(正式或非正式)评估他们的技能, 利益, 和能力. 他们将通过寻找课程的成功(或失败)来做到这一点, 参与校园活动, 与他们的朋友和老师讨论, 通过接触和尝试不同的想法和经历.

Most students enter college with a very limited knowledge of the vast array of courses and majors available to them. 当他们开始钻研对他们来说是新的研究, 即使是那些有计划的人也可能被不同的选择所吸引. 这对学生来说是一个激动人心的时刻.


支持孩子探索新的学习领域和兴趣. 毕竟,这就是教育的意义所在.

Affirm what you know to be areas of skill and ability he or she has consistently demonstrated. 有时学生忽略了这些,需要提醒.

和你的儿子或女儿谈谈他或她喜欢的课程和活动. 学生们在整个大学经历中发现了关于自己的新事物. 你愿意倾听和成为一个传声筒会让你保持在循环中.

Don’t panic if your child is excited about majoring in something like English, history, or art. 这些都是很好的选择, 特别是如果他们与学生的兴趣和技能很好地匹配.

Support your son or daughter’s responsible 参与校园活动 but urge this to be balanced with maintaining achievement in the classroom.

敦促你的孩子在校园就业中心寻求帮助. Most institutions have assessment instruments and counselors to help students to define their skills, 利益, 和能力.

一般, 在大学的第二年, 学生开始更认真地探索专业和职业选择. Many colleges and universities require that new students take a broad range of subjects to promote this exploration.


不要坚持马上决定专业或可能的职业选择. 如果你感觉到孩子的优柔寡断是积极进步的障碍, 敦促他或她去职业中心寻求帮助. Students often have difficulty making a “final” choice because they fear they may make a wrong choice and close off options

Suggest that your son or daughter talk with faculty and career advisers about potential choices.

引导你的孩子去找家人, 朋友, 或者是他或她感兴趣的领域的同事. 在这个阶段,与人进行“信息面试”会非常有帮助.

引导你的孩子找到一个信息源. Many campuses have a career consultant or mentoring network of 校友 in various career fields who are willing to share information with students about their careers. These resources are invaluable both in this exploratory stage and later as students are seeking internships and jobs.

在大二和大三期间, 对学生来说,尝试各种可能的职业选择是很重要的. 他们可以通过多种方式做到这一点:实习, 合作教育项目, 暑期工作, 校园工作, 以及在校园和当地社区负责任的志愿者经历. 这是你支持和理解的关键时刻.


鼓励你的孩子利用校园就业中心提供的资源. Experts there can assist your child in preparing a good resume and finding opportunities to test career choices. 大多数就业中心都与雇主直接联系.

Tell your child that you understand the importance of gaining exposure to and experience in his or her field of career interest. 通过参与课外活动来扩大经验是对时间的宝贵利用.

实习或暑期实习可能没有薪水. 此外,一个好的机会可能在一个遥远的地方. 在做出承诺之前,和你的孩子讨论一下你的财务期望.

不要帮你的孩子找实习或暑期工作. It’s a great help to provide networking contacts or names of people who may be helpful; however, making the contact and speaking for your child deprives him or her of an important learning experience—and may make a poor impression on the future employer.

The senior year is when organizing and conducting a job search or graduate school search begins in earnest. It is also a time when students are heavily involved in more advanced courses and often have more responsible roles in campus and/or volunteer activities. Balancing these important pursuits and setting priorities is a constant challenge for seniors.

你可能急于让这个年轻人做出决定——但是, 他或她走向结束的速度可能比你希望的要慢.


  • 建议他或她在大四期间利用校园就业中心. 这些办公室为准备找工作提供帮助. 产品可能包括:
    • 在撰写简历和求职信方面提供工作坊和个人帮助, 面试, 以及其他求职技巧,
    • 个人和团体职业咨询
    • 求职资源
    • 校内面试机会
    • 校友职业顾问或导师项目
  • 不要唠叨你的孩子还没有工作. 这通常会产生相反的效果. 使用正强化.
  • Offer to assist by sending information you may have found about your child’s target career field and/or job listings that may be of interest. 留心你的孩子是否暗示你有点得意忘形了——然后走开.
  • 不要打电话给未来的雇主,让他们为你的孩子干预. 与潜在雇主联系是候选人的责任.
  • Be prepared to support your child through the ups and downs of the job and graduate school search. 这可能是一条崎岖不平的道路——并不是每一份理想的工作或研究生院的录取都能顺利通过. 你的学生需要确信,每关上一扇门,就会有另一扇门打开.


作者:托马斯·J. 德纳姆


  • 接受各种想法
  • 帮助你的学生查找信息


下次你参观校园的时候, drop into the career services office and pick up a business card from one of the career advisers. 当你的儿子或女儿对他/她的未来感到焦虑时, 递上名片,说, “请给这个人打电话. 他(或她)可以帮助你.”

许多学生利用第一学期来“适应”大学生活, and so the spring semester of the freshman year is the optimal time to start using career center services. (随便地)问你的学生:“你去过就业中心吗?如果你听到, “你只有在大四的时候才能去那里,” then it’s time to reassure him/her that meeting with a career counselor can take place at any point—and should take place frequently—throughout a college career.


  • 模拟面试
  • 一个愿意谈论他们的工作和职业的校友网络
  • 一个关于各种职业的图书馆(包括在线信息图书馆)
  • 撰写简历和求职信的工作坊
  • 招聘计划
  • 个人建议

Writing a resume can be a “reality test” and can help a student identify weak areas that require improvement. 建议你的学生从就业中心拿到简历样本.

你可以检查一下简历草稿的语法, 拼写, 和内容, 但是建议最终的作品由职业中心的专业人士来评判.


If your student seems unsure, you can talk about personal qualities you see as talents and strengths. 你也可以推荐:

  • 采用“自我评估清单”,例如FOCUS2.
  • 与最喜欢的教员交谈
  • 研究各种有趣的职业领域和雇主


就业中心不会“安排”你的孩子在毕业时工作. 大学授予学位, 但不是工作保证, 因此,在这个竞争激烈的就业市场上拥有相关经验至关重要.

Your son or daughter can sample career options by completing internships and experimenting with summer employment opportunities or volunteer work.


  • 雇主对沟通很感兴趣, 解决问题, 以及管理技能, 哪些可以通过实习来培养.
  • 雇主 look for experience on a student’s resume and often hire from within their own internship 项目.
  • 只有高的GPA是不够的.
  • A strong letter of recommendation from an internship supervisor may tip the scale of an important interview in their favor.

体验大学生活的一部分就是在课堂之外积极参与. Interpersonal and leadership skills—qualities valued by future employers—are often developed in extracurricular activities.

雇主希望学生了解他们周围发生的事情. 为你的学生订阅《博彩平台推荐》或《亚洲体育博彩平台》.

把你的学生介绍给他感兴趣的职业/工作的人. Suggest your son or daughter contact people in your personal and professional networks for information on 暑期工作. Encourage your child to “shadow” someone in the workplace to increase awareness of interesting career fields.

当你有暑期、兼职或全职工作空缺时,打电话给校园就业中心. 工作人员会帮你找到一个勤奋的学生. 如果你的公司雇佣实习生,在就业中心列出实习经历. Join the campus career center’s career advisory network and use your “real world” experience to advise students of their career options.



  • 谢奇家族校友和学生参与中心(ASEC大楼)

  • 1-508-793-7258
  • 1-508-421-3752传真
  • 职业实验室提供按需审阅简历的服务, 求职信, 和领英个人资料,工作日下午12点到4点. 上传你的文件,或者在握手上预约职业实验室!